How can students knowing where they are working and what their next steps are increase the ownership of their learning?
This year I am lucky enough to be teaching in a Year 4/5 class with the amazing Ben Baxendine. Our brand new open modern learning environment currently caters to 60 eager students.
We have set our teaching inquiry on raising student ownership of learning through clearly guiding students about where they are working and what their next learning steps are.
I have decided to begin this journey by focusing on using rubrics for each of our learning goals during writing.
As you can see in the example below I have broken down for the students what is expected when writing sentences at each year level. The students then use this to judge where they are working and to set their goal for what they need to do to progress to the next level.
My aim is to make this visible for the students with examples of their work on our site and also on the wall. It keeps the students accountable to themselves, their pairs, and myself and will hopefully inspire progress.